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Investment Property Kitchen

Designing an Investment Property Kitchen

Are you designing an investment property kitchen? It can be tricky to accommodate unknown future tenants, while choosing aspects like design, function, and durability.

A quality kitchen is a fantastic selling point for your property, attracting a wider range of tenants and showing your home off to its best advantage. You may not need the same personal touches as you might consider in your own home, but quality products and design will help your kitchen last the distance.

Here are some considerations when designing a kitchen for your investment property.


Rental properties can see a lot of hard wear, so durability is just as important as the design of your kitchen. Any products you install should be considered to minimise visible wear, and to hold up to high levels of usage.

Light colours are generally easier to maintain over time, hiding general wear and tear a lot better than darker options. Choosing gloss or matte surfaces can make a huge difference in their lifespan. As a general rule, gloss coatings on surfaces that don’t get much wear makes them easier to wipe down and clean – think cupboards, splash boards, and doors. But for surfaces that get a lot of hard use, like your benchtops, a matte surface is best.

Pay attention to parts that get a lot of use, like hinges. For example, bi-fold doors on cupboards can cause a lot of stress on hinges, shortening their life span. Solid construction is always a better choice than a flimsier option.


Price is an important consideration, but cheaper is not always better. Good, quality products are much more likely to stand the test of time. That saves you repeatedly returning for potentially costly repairs.

That being said, it’s still important to stay on budget. While a modern, updated kitchen is a major selling point for future tenants, you don’t want to get carried away with the design and overspend. With our modern kitchen solutions, you can get a functional, beautiful kitchen without the excessive price tag.


When designing your own kitchen, your design preferences and lifestyle helps you cater to your distinctive style and needs. When designing for future tenants, a blank canvas is best. You want to create a simple, comfortable space with a focus on easy cleaning.

Bold design choices tend to polarise people – you either love it or you hate it! A neutral canvas lets your future tenants add their own personal touches. If you would like to update your investment property’s kitchen but still keep it neutral, check out our suggestions for new kitchen trends here. It doesn’t have to be blindingly white from ceiling to floor – there are plenty of neutral colour options that can still work for your house.

Smart Spaces

Storage is a major selling point for many tenants when considering a kitchen. Shelves, pantries, cupboards, and drawers add value by offering your future tenants an organised room. To maximise the space available, consider adding hooks on walls and on the doors of cupboards. You can also add additional shelves inside tall cupboards to double the space.

You might want to consider rolling racks to utilise small spaces, such as the gap between the fridge and the wall. Check out these ideas for making the most of your space. It’s worth taking the time to maximise the storage in your investment property kitchen. A practical kitchen is much more attractive to a house-proud tenant.


Older appliances make the kitchen dated, harder to clean, and much less appealing for prospective tenants. Choose appliances that are simple, match each other, and are easy to clean and use. The ideal appliances will fall in the middle of the price range. Too expensive, and you are unnecessarily paying for brand recognition. Too cheap, and you could find yourself needing repairs much sooner.

Some appliances, like a dishwasher, can be a major factor in whether a tenant chooses your investment property over another option. For tenants that like to cook at home, a good cook top and oven will make your property stand out. It’s worth the initial outlay of cost to attract quality tenants that will treat your investment property like their own home.

Designing a Kitchen for an Investment Property

The kitchen is the heart of the home, and a great kitchen can be the difference between a tenant choosing your investment property, or looking elsewhere. You can also reduce breakages, wear and tear, and maintenance requests by choosing durable, quality materials that last.

Our speciality is to create affordable, quality kitchens that will stand the test of time. When designing a kitchen for your investment property, you don’t need to compromise on excellence. We’ll help you find that balance between cost and quality, creating a kitchen for your investment property that is attractive, durable, and perfectly customised to your needs.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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